What Is The Difference Between Aluminum Foil And Heavy-Duty Aluminum Foil?

June 18, 2023
Molecular Sieve Aluminum Foil

What is the difference between aluminum foil and heavy-duty aluminum foil?


The primary difference between aluminum foil and heavy-duty aluminum foil is the thickness of the foil. Heavy-duty aluminum foil is thicker and stronger than standard aluminum foil, making it more durable and able to handle heavier foods or items.

Molecular Sieve Aluminum Foil5

Standard aluminum foil is typically around 0.016 mm thick, while heavy-duty aluminum foil can range from 0.02 mm to 0.025 mm thick. This extra thickness gives the heavy-duty aluminum foil more strength and durability, making it better suited for demanding applications, such as wrapping large roasts, freezing foods for long periods, or cooking foods over an open flame or grill.

In addition to being thicker, heavy-duty aluminum foil may also come in wider rolls or larger sheets, allowing it to cover bigger surfaces or wrap larger items with ease. It may also have a different texture or finish, such as a matte or embossed texture, which can help improve its non-stick properties or make it easier to handle.

Overall, the main difference between aluminum foil and heavy-duty aluminum foil is their thickness and strength, with heavy-duty aluminum foil being the more robust option. However, both types of foil can be used for a wide range of tasks, from wrapping food to insulating wires and protecting surfaces.